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Commonwealth Of Virginia Association of Professional Process Servers

of the

Article l - NAME

This Association shall be known as the Commonwealth Of Virginia Association of Professional Process Servers, hereinafter referred to as COVAPPS.

Article II - PURPOSE

To promote and upgrade the process serving industry through the following objectives:

Section 1. Promoting any legislation and rule changes which will help the industry.

Section 2. Combating Virginia legislation which may harm the industry.

Section 3. Creating and maintaining a moral and ethical standard for the industry.

Section 4. Improving relations between the industry and the legal community - attorneys, judges, clerks and officers of the court - and the general public, both locally and statewide.


Section 1. Membership in the Association shall be open to all individuals which have been directly or indirectly affiliated with the profession of process serving for a minimum of one year. All applicants must be sponsored/invited by a current COVAPPS member in good standing. Applications must also be accompanied by no less than 2 letters of reference from anyone with knowledge of the applicant's experience in the process serving industry. Membership is approved on an individual basis.

Section 2. All applications for membership must be completed in full on a form approved and provided by the Association. Each application must be accompanied by one year's annual dues plus the non-refundable application fee as prescribed by the Board of Directors. These funds shall be deposited in an escrow account until the application is either approved or rejected.

Section 3. Classes of membership and requirements for membership shall be defined by the Board.

Section 4. Membership shall not be granted to any individual who has been determined to have been convicted of a felony unless such conviction was officially pardoned or the record of same has been expunged. In addition, membership shall not be granted to any individual who has had their license, permit or right to serve process revoked by any issuing authority unless said revocation has been pardoned or expunged.

Section 5. No person shall be denied membership because of their race, color, religion, sex, or ethnic origin.

Section 6. Membership may be suspended or terminated by the Board for violations of these Bylaws and/or the Code of Ethics.

Section 7. Termination of membership shall by effective thirty (30) days past the due date for annual dues.

Section 8. Memberships received and approved by the Board of Directors prior to June 1, 1999 shall be classified as founding members.

Article IV - DUES

Section 1. The annual dues shall be determined by majority vote of the membership at the annual conference and shall remain in effect until changed.

Section 2. The fiscal year covering the payment of dues shall be July 1 to June 30 of the following year.

ARTICLE V: Election of Officers and DIRECTORS

Section 1, The officers shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary/Treasurer.

Section 2. The immediate past president shall serve on the Board Of Directors,

Section 3. Four (4) Directors shall be elected by the General Membership.

Section 4. Officers shall be elected by majority vote of members present at the October General Membership Meeting. Directors shall be elected in a single ballot with each member casting one vote for each seat to be filled. Nominees receiving the highest plurality of votes will fill all seats in order of total votes received. Majority vote shall not be required. Proxies shall be allowed by letter.

Section 5. A vacancy in any office or directorship shall be filled by the Board of Directors


Section 1. The administration and management of the association shall be controlled by the Board of Directors consisting of the officers and directors. They shall have the authority to do any and all things necessary for the administration of COVAPPS. Decisions shall be reached by majority vote of the Board of Directors members present. No proxy voting shall be allowed.

Section 2. The President shall preside at all meetings, shall make all appointments that are deemed necessary to run the association, and shall submit at the General Membership Meetings report describing programs and Board actions.

Section 3. The Vice-President shall perform the duties of the office of president whenever the President is unable to do so.

Section 4. The Secretary shall cause to be recorded the minutes of all meetings.

Section 5. The Treasurer shall be responsible for carrying out all fiscal policies and procedures adopted by the Board; shall be responsible for preparation of financial statements and presentation of these to the Board at each meeting; and shall submit a written annual report to the General Membership Meetings.

Section 6. A petition, signed by signatures representing thirty (30) percent of the total votes eligible to vote at that time in the Association requesting the holding of an election for the purpose of recalling a member of the Board or any officer, may be filed at any time with the Secretary. If recall is for the Secretary, the petition shall be filed with the President. After verification of signatures, the President shall certify the petition and immediately direct a ballot be mailed to each member. The ballot shall read as follows: Shall - name of director-Be Recalled? Yes_________ No_______ A "yes" vote shall be counted as for the recall and a "no" vote shall be counted as against the recall. Only members in good standing shall be entitled to vote at such election. Such a recall shall require two-thirds affirmative vote of executed ballots received by the Secretary or President within fifteen (15) days. If the recall is successful the Board may fill the vacancy at its next meeting.

Section 7. The Board shall adopt procedures for arbitration and grievance. All members are bound by the arbitration and grievance procedures as adopted by the Board.


Section 1. Board meetings shall be called by the President. A board meeting must be called within thirty (30) days if requested by three (3) members of the Board, or if petitioned for by a majority of the members. The membership shall be notified of all regular Board meetings.

Section 2. Special meetings of the Board may be held by telecommunications.

Section 3. Members shall be admitted to all meetings and conferences except executive sessions. Non-members may be admitted to all meetings and conferences unless disapproved by a majority of the members present. Only meetings involving the personal affairs of any individual may be held in executive session.

Section 4. The latest edition of Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the conduct of all meetings.


Section 1. Proposed bylaw amendments, from the General Membership,  must be submitted to the Secretary sixty (30) days prior to the date of the next scheduled General Membership Meeting and published to the membership not less than thirty (30) days prior to the General Membership Meeting.

Section 2. The bylaws may be amended or revised by an affirmative two-thirds vote of the membership present at the General Membership Meeting.

Section 3. The bylaws may also be amended or revised by unanimous vote of the Board of Directors.